You've seen some beautiful wraparound thingy of some incredible bubble tea from brands and wondering what it is...Well, first you need the right ingredient to get the job done! 

Here it is "Butter Cake Walling Mix" (sku 2001)

Follow the recipe here and have fun!

What you need: 

  • Butter Cake Walling Mix- 200g
  • Cheese Foam Premium (sku 625) - 10g (optional)
  • Whipping Cream 33% - 500ml
  • Homo Milk - 50g


  1. Take a hand mixer, mix well Butter Cake Walling Mix and Whipping Cream
  2. Add Homo Milk and Cheese Foam (optional). Mix on high speed until mixture becomes firm and does not fall off the mixer.
  3. Take a serving cup. Add mixture to the interior wall and be creative with your design.
  4. Gently pour your chosen beverage to the cup and add your favorite toppings.
  5. Insert a big bubble tea straw and enjoy!